Software Projects
Chickadee OS (C++ · Assembly)
A Linux-inspired multicore x86-64 operating system featuring virtual memory management, system calls, kernel task suspension, multithreading capabilities, and efficient synchronization (wait queues, spinlocks). Also features an on-disk file system powered by a custom virtual file system abstraction (vnodes, inodes). Built for Harvard’s infamous CS 161
FeatherDB (C++)
A high-performance NoSQL database supporting 200 million insertions/sec leveraging an LSM-tree architecture, integrating write buffering, deferred persistence, and a leveling merge policy to maximize write throughput. Supports optimized data accesses using Bloom filters and fence pointers, enhancing read operations and query speed.
Multi-Agent Monte Carlo Tree Search in Poker (Python)
A Poker bot system consisting of 3 determinization-based MCTS agents to play Leduc Poker, a simplified versino of Texas Hold’em. Actions are predicted by randomly generating opponent’s state, calculating expected reward of game configurations, and resetting rollouts to avoid overfitting. Accumulated ~45% and ~65% reward gain from latter two agents against a random agent
Parallelization of Singular Value Decomposition (C++ · Intel Intrinsics · OpenMP)
A parallelization of the conventional, sequential Singular Value Decomposition algorithm done in a 4-person team, utilizing vectorization techniques such as SIMD and AVX. Benchmarked against a sequential implemention on a high-performance computing cluster, achieving speedups of ~39%, ~41%, and ~20% in the GEMV, GEMM, and matrix U calculations, respectively.
FoodFrenzy! (JavaScript · MongoDB · Express.js · React.js · Node.js · HTML/CSS)
A full-stack CRUD application that allows users to post restaurant reviews, consisting of a custom-built REST API that sends and receives JSON data to/from a MongoDB Atlas database hosted on AWS. Features Google Maps JavaScript and Geocoding APIs to display the precise locations of restaurants
Interactive Visualizations of Various Topics in Discrete Mathematics (R · RShiny)
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” – Albert Einstein. Modular multiplication, D6: Symmetry Group of the Hexagon, D4: Symmetry Group of the Square, Combinatorics – Permutations